HOLO Books is grieved to announce that Derek died on 27 April 2020. Derek and his work were so admired that friends and colleagues contributed to Lawyer, Scholar, Teacher and Activist: A Liber Amicorum in Honour of Derek Roebuck edited by Neil Kaplan and Robert Morgan published by HOLO Books on 27 April 2021. This, and Derek's other titles, can be ordered in the usual way, particularly from this website.
Susanna plans to maintain HOLO Books and will continue to write and publish. This includes the book Derek was unable to complete - More Disputes and Differences - published under his name, edited by Susanna, on 5 November 2022. The names of advanced purchasers are entered in front as Subscribers. It can be ordered as usual from Arbitration Press on this website.
The two colleagues who were joint authors with Derek of English Arbitration and Mediation in the Long Eighteenth Century, Francis Calvert Boorman and Rhiannon Markless, have now completed the final volume - Arbitration and Mediation in the Nineteenth Century England - of Derek's arbitration history series which started with Ancient Greek Arbitration. This was published on 9 May 2024. It can be ordered from this website.
DEREK ROEBUCK was a lawyer who taught
and practised law in England, New Zealand, Australia, Papua New Guinea and
Hong Kong.
He was latterly a Senior Associate Research Fellow
at the University of London's Institute of Advanced Legal Studies.
wrote and edited over fifty books on law, legal
history and language, including the 7 volume Peking University Press
series of bilingual texts on Hong Kong contract, criminal law and
After ten years as editor, he became editor emeritus of Arbitration, the journal
of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. In his last years his research
on the history of dispute resolution produced:
- A Miscellany of Disputes
- Ancient Greek Arbitration
- The Charitable Arbitrator: How to Mediate
and Arbitrate in Louis XIV's France (2002)
- Roman Arbitration (2004)
- Early English Arbitration (2008)
- Disputes and Differences: Comparisons in Law Language and History (2010)
- Mediation and Arbitration in the Middle Ages: England 1154-1558 (2013)
- The Golden Age of Arbitration: Dispute Resolution Under Elizabeth I (2015)
- Arbitration in Seventeenth-Century England (January 2017)
- Women in Disputes: A History of European Women in Arbitration and Mediation (with Susanna Hoe, May 2018)
- English Arbitration and Mediation in the Long Eighteenth Century (with Francis Boorman and Rhiannon Markless, November 2019).
- More Disputes and Differences: Essays on the History of Arbitration and its Continuing Relevance (edited by Susanna Hoe, November 2022)
All the above are published by HOLO Books.
Click Here For A Full Curriculum Vitae